- There is a bunch of types of smokeless tobacco there is; Copenhagen, Skoal, Grizzly, Red man, Timberwolf, Kodiak, Red seal, Rooster, Longhorn.
- Smokeless tobacco is any form of tobacco that is sniffed through the nose, held in the mouth or chewed. -
What's in smokeless tobacco?
1) Nicotine - the adicitive drug found in tobacco

2) Carcinogens - Pesticides, Asbestos, Cosmetics, X-Rays and Gamma Rays are four carcinogens that are in smokeless tobacco.

3) Fiber glass - a helper to get you addicted by cutting the gum and putting the tobacco straight in the bloodstream.

 - All of these following and a bunch more things are harmful to the mind and body. -

 - If you hold this product in your mouth for long lengths of time which deleivers nicotine and all 28 carcinogens to the body at high levels.

 - There are alot of hazards of using smokeless tobacco, the following are those risk:

 1) May cause cancer to the throat, larynx, esophagus, stomach and pancreas.

 2) Irritates the lining of the mouth.

 3) it is addicitive.

 4) Causes tooth decay and bad breath.

 5) it is so expensive.

 - You would also have short - term effects by using tobacco these are a few things that are your short term effects:

 1) Changes brain chemistry.

 2) Increased respiration and heart rate.

 3) dulles your taste buds and reduces your appetite.

 4) Bad breath and smelly hair, clothes, and skin.


Types of Cigarettes 

- There are a bunch of types of cigarettes these are a few; Marlboro, Kool, Winston, Marlboro lights, Camel. There is a bunch more, but all of these will kill you.

 - What's in a cigarette ?

 1) Nicotine -the addicitive drug found in tobacco.

 2) Stimulant - a drug that increases the action of the central nervous system, the heart and other major organs

 3) Carcinogens - Cancer causing substance. Example: pestisides, Asbestos, Cosmetics, X-rays, Gamma rays.

 4) Tar - a thick, sticky, dark fluid produced when tobacco burns.

 5) Carbon Monoxide - a colorless, odorless, poisonous gas.


 - If you smoke out there, there is a great chance that your lungs look like the lung on the left.

 - The reason the lung on the left looks like that is because the walls are covered with TAR. Tar is a thick, sticky, dark fluid produced when tobacco burns.

 - Smoker's lung is when the lungs get the walls covered in tar by burning tobacco and when it gets in the lungs the tar sticks to the sides and clogs the airway the your body.

 - When you smoke and you lungs are covered with tar your lungs can not take in enough air for your body to function  well. When they are covered in tar you can't walk 10 feet without starting to breath hard.

 - There is a bunch of types of different smokers there are:

 1) Second hand smoke - this is air that has been contaiminated by tobacco smoke.

 2) Side stream smoke - this is the smoke from the burning end of a cigarette, pipe or cigar.

 3) Mainstream smoke - this is the smoke that is enhaled from the lungs of a smoker

 - Non-smokers have rights that smokers do not care about these are:

 1) The right to breath clean air

 2) The right to speak out

 3) The right to act


 - One of the best way to quit smoking is to choose friends that do not use tobacco products.

 - Another way is to Avoid situations where tobacco are probaly going to be used.

 - There are a bunch more and the last one I can tell you is that if you already smoke and you want to quit the best way to is to find something that you need to use your hands in replace of holding a cigarette, like working at a desk doing alot of wrighting.

